This infopack concerns: “Film the info in Normandy!” ESC project in Rouen city The Regional Youth Information Center Normandy (CRIJ Normandie) is looking for 1 ESC volunteer from European Union members states between 18 and 30 years old, starting in September 2021. Come and join us to be our next web-reporter! What do we do?We …
Do you enjoy working with children?The town of Falaise, located in Normandy region (France), is looking for a European candidate to promote the english language in our local schools. This project is not a European Solidarity Corps mission, but is offered in the frame of the French programme entitled “Service Civique”! Send your application (CV …
Athletic Festival: The Athletic Festival is a Multi Sports event including Sports and Games next to the sea. Sports like Football, Volleyball and Catchball. And Games like treasure hunting, rock painting, tag-of- war and water relay. This sport event is one of the most important for the local community. You will help with the implementation …
Prolungati i termini per la presentazione delle domande di partecipazione al progetto “Marco Polo 2018”
Programma Erasmus plus
Carta della Mobilità VET: N. 2015-1-IT01-KA109-004882
” Let’s go civic – Youth Exchanges for Civic Engagement” è un corso di formazione organizzato da Jugend für Europa (Agenzia Nazionale Giovani tedesca) che mira a rendere l’educazione civica parte integrante dell’attività con i giovani e degli scambi giovanili.